Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Green Dispersal

Symptomatic of the times in which we live, The Big Green Gathering, near Cheddar, has been cancelled. It appears that additional conditions were forced upon the organisers at the last minute by the local council and police. It's such a chilled out, peaceful, well-established festival - the first I took my daughter to - that I'm surprised it's been smothered. Until I read suggestions that a degree of politics has come into play, relating to the Climate Camp and Plane Stupid campaigns.

Meanwhile... the cost of public transport continues to increase as the cost of motoring falls, the car scrappage scheme encourages manufacturing and consumerism over servicing and maintenance, wind turbines are regarded with more horror than nuclear power stations and the Bristol Hourbike scheme doesn't look like being a roaring success, or even getting off the ground.

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