Sunday, May 17, 2009

Popeye in heaven

Loads of baby spinach around at the moment, ensuring that we're getting some iron in our diet, even though it's apparently not the kind of iron that's easily absorbed by the body and broccoli has twice as much. It was Dr. E. von Wolf who infamously put a decimal point in the wrong place when calculating the iron content of spinach, leading to Popeye's misguided spinach addiction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Roland (or TWJT as I remember you!)

I have just spent an enjoyable hour reading your blogs whilst the kids (whom I should be teaching) got on with their current affairs worksheets.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts and now I know where to come when I need advice about my seedlings. I have to say that I was actually quite jealous of you cycling around and doing so much gardening. Of course, had I not been reading your blog I could've done an hour's stint in the garden myself.

Cheers m'dear...
Blast from the past, Karen