Saturday, January 30, 2010

Foes' gifts are no gifts:

"Foes' gifts are no gifts: profit bring they none" - Sophocles

Maybe Bristol City Council think that by planting about 20 trees near the site of the former chocolate factory in Greenbank, along the Bristol-Bath cyclepath, we'll turn a blind eye to the highly dubious sale of the verge here to developers Squarepeg, who'll soon be ripping out mature trees and the hedgerow to build houses in this linear park.

It'll take more than a few Discovery apple trees and Conference pears to camouflage the impending eyesore, although perhaps I'm being a bit harsh and shouldn't look a gift orchard in the mouth. I should mention that I'm only assuming that BCC are responsible, going by the evidence of the labels attached to a few of the trees. Maybe it was a bit of guerilla gardening action or a gift from the late - sometimes cantankerous, always green and busy - Pete Taylor.

Whatever, whoever, it's certainly an antidote to the mass tree cull going on further up the cyclepath towards Fishponds that I haven't been able to bring myself to photograph. Others have, here.

1 comment:

Chris Hutt said...

Yes, the recent tree planting was organised by the city council.

From your pic it seems that they've planted in front of the Chocolate Factory, where the verge is going to be 'relandscaped' to accommodate the so-called cycle houses. I can't see those trees surviving that.

It also seems that the trees are planted too close to the Path so that eventually the spreading branches and roots may cause problems, as has happened in the past.

Anyway good to see you covering what's going on with the Railway Path and Chocolate Factory.