Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bristol Bangladeshis v Easton Cowboys

Took the old Olympus OM10 + telephoto lens + 2x converter & tripod to a cricket match at Oldbury Court.

Once I've finished the film, sent it off to be developed, got the prints back and scanned them, I'll post some photos here.

UPDATE: 22/09/09 - The combination of camera shake and an old scratched scanner on the blink doesn't make these look very impressive and they might be the last photos I take with 35 mm film, not because I'm getting a nice new digital SLR but because Truprint are winding down their old style operation, no longer reprinting from negatives or sending fresh film with each order.

The ground is on such a slope that it makes it look as if silly mid-on has no legs.

It's a seagull, not a hanky.

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