Saturday, July 26, 2008

Long Hot Days 1

A few scorching hot days to make it feel like a proper summer. Spent nearly 12 hours up at the allotment one day, enjoying the place to myself for most of the time. Got lots done and munched on produce throughout the day. Discovered for myself, with a stomach ache - though I'd been warned - that mange toute (and many beans) are poisonous if not cooked for a bit.

Tomatoes in my 'greenkennel' - the tall, makeshift greenhouse on the other plot has hardly been used in three years.

The first of many sunflowers, with all my neighbour's tat behind. After three years, it's permanently 'under construction'.

The old chocolate factory in the background : Due for development in the coming years, possibly with eco homes, artspace, cafe etc. Watch this space...

Cucumber plant in the greenkennel : Grew one cucumber at home in a small plastic greenhouse and only planted this out a week or two ago.

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