Monday, April 06, 2009


It was the first time it had happened to me and I felt awful. I was a relatively late adopter and I'm not a heavy user, but losing your mobile phone can ruin your day. It was initially in a pouch attached to my waist, but as I reached to use it in a side street, I noticed to my horror that the pouch wasn't there. Had I left it on the train ? Had some nimble fingered thief unfastened it from my belt hoop ?

The first thing you think of doing is to phone and / or text your phone, but for this you need a phone and of course, your number. These things are not always easy to come by at the time and once they are, it's a bit sad to hear your own voice on the ansaphone . Once you've texted it too, from another mobile, all you can do is wait.

If the mobile that you used to text your own phone isn't your own and by chance someone else does find your phone and attempt to contact you, there can follow a confusing sequence of relayed messages. But even getting to that stage is immensely satisfying and immediately sets your mind to thinking about how to convey this gratitude, reward the kindness and honesty and sees you knocking on a door in another part of the city later that evening.

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